A birth injury can affect a Houston family forever

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Houston parents-to-be are faced with a barrage of feelings. Most are of excitement and anticipation but some can be of uncertainty. Most births go as planned but occasionally an unexpected and traumatic birth injury occurs. A serious birth injury can lead to a physical disability.
When a baby is born parents are full of hopes and dreams for their new child. They dream about what kind of adult their newborn will grow up to be and how many adventures they will have along the way. But a birth injury can crush many of these dreams. Birth injuries can come in many forms including brain damage, lung damage and physical deformities. Cerebral palsy is a permanent disability that can be caused by lack of oxygen before or during birth. Oxygen deprivation can occur if a doctor doesn’t perform a caesarian section in time, the baby stays in the birth canal too long, or forceps are not used properly. Cerebral palsy can vary in seriousness and occasionally mental retardation occurs as well.
Our law firm helps families who have experienced birth trauma. We have the experience necessary to investigate the medical procedures that were used and to hold the doctors responsible for their mistakes. We are dedicated to making sure families affected by a birth injury get the answers they deserve.
When a birth injury occurs families can be hit both emotionally and financially. When a birth injury is caused by medical malpractice, we can help families recover the compensation they need to pay for their child’s medical expenses now and into the future.