Birth injuries and delayed cesarean sections

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Mothers in Texas know how common cesarean sections have become. These days, as many as one-third of all children in the U.S. are delivered via C-section. Cesarean sections are a valuable intervention that can save mothers and babies from serious complications and even death. They’re commonly used when babies are oversized or positioned awkwardly. However, it may be surprising to find out that several birth injuries still occur annually when lifesaving C-sections are delayed.

Birth injuries are more common than you think

Birth injuries are one of the most common issues in health care. As many as one in 200 births result in some form of injury to the mother or child. C-sections are often performed when babies are in distress before delivery. If medical providers wait too long to perform a C-section, serious problems can result. These include cerebral palsy and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Both of these are brain injuries that can result in long-term problems.
Brain injuries that occur during birth can lead to both behavioral and cognitive problems in children. That means parents will need to get expensive medical help for their babies, sometimes for years. When medical providers have dropped the ball and made decisions that result in birth injuries, families may be entitled to compensation for medical malpractice.
If you and your family have had to deal with the fallout from birth injuries due to a delayed C-section, contact an experienced attorney. Legal counsel can help you understand whether you have a case and how it can be pursued. Children who’ve been impacted by birth injuries may receive compensation that will be held in trust for them. They could receive funds for medical care and even to replace lost future wages due to their disabilities.